What Did You Say??

The things my children say have my stop and wonder on a regular basis... What did you say??

The kids were outside playing tag and Mason was chasing Taylor and she fell. Instead of stopping to help her, he runs past and yells "SNIPER" and then tackles Cody. If that's not sibling love, I don't know what is!
Nana asked Mason to help her with the dishes the other night and he told her, "That's ok, my mom will do them." Nana then told him, "You'll be old enough to start helping your mom soon." Mason didn't agree,"No, that's when my wife will do them." UM! REALLY??
The boys were arguing and Mason told Cody, "I know everything you don't know! The only think I don't know is how God put the Earth here." Of course Cody knew, "Bubba, God got an Earth and put it up in the sky." Mason then wanted to know how God did that. Cody, "By a rockship. DUH!"
My dad asked Mason if he had a girlfriend at school and he told him yes, along with THEIR names. Grandpa, "Why do you need two girlfriends, Mason?" Mason, "Will... why not Grandpa?"
Adam asked me if I thought Cody should take a nap and before I could answer Cody yelled, "Tell him no mom, tell him no!"
Mason and Adam were watching American Idol last night and Mason asked, "Why is that guy so lame?" Cody asked daddy a question and when he didn't like the answer he told him, "Just tell me the truth!" Adam tryed to explain but Cody cut him off with, "Stop, your giving me a headache."
We were at a 4-way stop and Mason asked me, "Mom, why is that stop sign hella big?" Can you tell we live in NorCal?
Mason was playing with my phone and I asked him what he was doing. "Texting the fireman." I explained to him when it's an emergency we actually have to call them. "I know mom, I just wanted to ask them a question."
Cody was asked to clean his room and this is the response we got, "I called Santa and he told me I don't have to clean my room till after xmas."
When I picked Cody up from preschool I asked him what he did, "Played Cowboys and Firefighters". Umm?????
Adam asked Mason if his room was clean. Mason told him, "It most definitely is" and walked off. What a little smarty pants!
Mason told Mimi and Poppa the other day he wished he was an adult. When they asked him why he told them, "So I can watch Family Guy."
Mason was telling Mimi how much he loved chocolate and she asked him, "Mason, what would you do if they never made chocolate again and you would never ever eat another piece?" Mason said, "Mimi, that would never happen."
Mason walks up to me the other day and tells me, "Mom your beautiful, I love you." I asked him what he wanted and without hesitation he tells me, "Batteries for my toy." (the toy was already in his hand) I didn't know sweet talking started so young!
I asked Cody what he should do if a stranger came up to him. "Kick him in the nuts" was his answer. I'm glad to know he'll defend himself.
The other day I said crap in front of the boys and Mason asked me why. I apologized and told him I would try not to say it again (cause we all know i would be lying if i said i wouldn't say it again). Cody then told me, "I'm going to tell dad." Before I could respond Mason told him, "It doesn't matter, mommy's the boss."
Conversation between Adam and Cody while they were talking about Bodega Bay. "Cody are dolphins nice fish?" "No dad, dolphins aren't fish." Adam, "Then what are they?" Cody's response, "Dolphins you peanut head."
The kids are sitting down for dinner and Taylor keeps dropping her sippy. Mason picks it up for the umphtenth time and tells her, "Stop Tay, I'm not palying this game anymore."
I asked Mason if he could please pick up his shoes. He told me, "Negative ghostrider."
Cody is sitting in a shopping cart and spills his milkshake, "Oh shit!" Then he turns and looks up at me, "I mean oh darn it." Then smiles.
Mason to Daddy "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry." Adam responds with, "Hi hungry I'm Adam." Mason then asks daddy, "Adam can you get me something to eat?"
We're in Costco and there is a man speaking spanish (very fast!). Cody points at the man (who is standing next to him) and yells to Adam, "Daddy, why is that man saying BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH?"
Boys are in the shower and Adam gets in. Mason rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Watch out, here comes the fat guy." Sigh.