Friday, January 8, 2010

Damage Control...

When Adam gets home from work today and calls me to ask, “What did you do all day?” (meaning 7:30am-1:30pm) I’m going to tell him, “DAMAGE CONTROL!!”

My pantry:

What it should look like:

My kitchen:

The movies (can you tell where they couldn't reach?):

Cody's closet:

Taylor's shoes: (which was ok since i needed to take out the small ones):

What the shoes should look like:

My bathroom (as I was taking a shower, begging her to stop):

By the way, I'm putting locks on EVERYTHING this weekend!!


  1. Haha...I did a lot of that myself today when I got home. I should have gotten the camera out.
    The pantry is the worst! No matter how many times I clean it and organize it...empty boxes, crunched cheerios, koolaid packets, opened (and now stale) crackers...and so on, end up EVERYWHERE!!!

  2. That pink shoe she's chewing on looks delicious!! I love your pic of the messy pantry and the 'what it should look like' pantry. lol Funny.

  3. I SO need to organize my cupboards, closets, etc. And, I hear you on needing to put locks on everything. My oldest Kate never got into anything. We never put on locks for her. But Claire? She is a piece of work and is into EVERYTHING! I bought the locks last month, we just need to put them on!

  4. Nice job! I love that...Sooooooo what did you do all day? Are you freaking kidding me!? LOL

  5. wow! someone has been busy, if only she worked in reverse, she could organize your whole house!

  6. haha that's hilarious! And I'd be so mad at my hubby for saying that . . . I'd be like "you try it!" :-)
